One of the outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the closure of workplaces due to various lockdowns and restrictions. Along with the mental and emotional stress of a global pandemic, as well as possible financial issues, there is the question of returning to work...
Hydration is an important component of overall health. Good hydration helps to regulate your body temperature, as well as lubricate your joints, and keep your organs working properly. How do I stay well hydrated? Men require approximately 3.7 litres (15.5 cups) of...
“A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.” — Charlotte Brontë “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” — William Shakespeare The importance of sleep can’t be overstated. The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. Sleep helps the brain function...
As we head into our second “COVID Summer,” many of the usual activities we’d register the kids for are looking a lot different. There could be fewer spaces, more restrictions, and some are cancelled altogether. Studies have shown that children should have at least 60...
The weather is warming up, and many of us are itching to get outside, and get going on that garden. Here are a few tips to help you ease into a great part of spring and summer! Gardening can be strenuous, especially after a long winter inside. Remember, Rome wasn’t...
Cycling has experienced a renaissance over the last year. And why not? It’s a great way to get outside, enjoy the summer weather, (it’s coming, we’re sure) and get some fresh air and exercise. However, if you’re new to the sport, it can be a bit daunting to see...