In 1872, the TTU (Toronto Typographical Union) organized a strike for the 9 hour workday. The aim of the strike was to reduce the work day from 12 hours to 9. This marked the beginning of what we now celebrate as “Labour day”. We hope you are able to take this time to...
Beginning your week with a chiropractic adjustment will not only relax your muscles, the regular adjustments can help reduce stress and/or anxiety, making your week go by just a little easier.
Living so far north we certainly have our seasons, because of the amount of snowfall and lack of chinooks we had this winter, I think we can skip next winter?! Spring is a time to clean up. Clean up your house, your workout routine, and clean up your diet. As the...
Baby not walking yet? Not to worry, there is a broad spectrum of the developmental period that they could fall into! The first information you need to know is how your baby learns to walk. Newborns don’t have nearly enough strength to support their growing body, they...