Prenatal Massage in Calgary AB

Using Prenatal Massage Therapy in Calgary AB as part of your care during pregnancy can greatly increase your overall comfort at different stages of your baby’s development.
Postnatal massage therapy can also promote quick recovery and better management of common discomforts associated with postpartum symptoms.
Why Choose Prenatal Massage in Calgary AB?
As your body goes through pregnancy – changes happen.
Your center of gravity shifts, different muscles have to work harder, and activities can become more difficult, even simple things, like standing up.
Massage therapy can help ease the changes. As your pregnancy progress and changes, so will the therapists’ techniques and positions.
From utilizing specifically designed pillows, to performing side lying massages, they will accommodate your changing body’s needs.
Your comfort will always be top of mind!
Pregnancy massage is safe for all phases of your pregnancy, however, if you have underlying health conditions you should always discuss them with our therapists.
Prenatal Massage
What are the benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy?
- Reduces back pain and muscle tension: your ligaments, muscles, discs and joints can be easily irritated or inflamed from the weight of your body and baby – and your own fatigue.
- Improves nerve pain: Sciatic nerve pain can occur when the uterus begins to apply more pressure from resting on the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. This spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and impair the function of nearby nerves. Pain or pins and needles are common symptoms of this. Massage therapy helps release the tension on nearby muscles, which helps soothe the inflamed nerves.
- Reduces joint pain and/or edema (swelling): Swelling of the limbs and joints during pregnancy is often caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels in your pelvis by your uterus. Massage helps to stimulate soft tissues to reduce collection of fluids in swollen joints, which also improves the removal of tissue waste, carried by the body’s lymph system.
Prenatal Therapy should be cleared with your physician…
All expectant mothers should check with their doctors prior to getting a massage. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, or are on the early stages of pregnancy, prenatal massage may not be recommended.
Postnatal Massage
What are the benefits of Postnatal Massage?
- Strengthens abdominal muscles, which may be weak after childbirth
- Relieves cramping that you may experience as the site where the placenta was attached within your uterus heals
- Relieves soreness of your pelvic floor from an episiotomy or tearing
- Helps sooth as your intestinal tract and urinary bladder reposition themselves
- Promotes scar healing; you may have built up scar tissue that needs to be broken down so that it can realign more naturally
- Helps re-establish pelvic structural alignment; in preparation for childbirth, hormones were released to help ‘soften’ the pelvic bones so that they can easily shift
- Targets back, neck and shoulder pain
Postnatal Massage Therapy is more than just physical support…
All mothers can benefit from regular post-natal massage therapy during the postpartum period – and not just because the physical discomforts and symptoms are addressed. There is an emotional aspect to taking the time to care for your body that helps with Postpartum Depression.
10:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 3:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
Every Other Saturday
10:00am - 2:00pm
Chiropractic Health Centre
2713 Centre St NW
Calgary, AB T2E 2V5