Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy in Calgary AB?

Different changes to the body occur at different stages of pregnancy, but Prenatal Chiropractic Care can help manage the discomforts that might be felt as the body prepares for childbirth. Some of these changes are apparent, while others are not really. Some common changes could be fluctuating hormones and a burgeoning belly. However, you could also experience unwelcome symptoms such as joint discomfort, lower back pain, loose limbs, and round ligament pain.
You can expect your center of gravity to shift as the baby grows in your womb. That means your spine will also shift, initiating some ripple effect. That effect will, in turn, stress your nervous and musculoskeletal systems and bring about untraceable changes that could affect your pregnancy. As a pregnant woman, you do not want to have discomfort in your pregnancy journey.
Chiropractic care can help with the daily discomforts affecting your mobility. There are some things you need to understand about chiropractic care during pregnancy.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy in Calgary AB
Your spinal curvature grows as your belly grows. In the meantime, your placenta will secrete additional amounts of a hormone known as relaxin. The hormone helps the cervix to dilate. Relaxin loosens the ligaments before labor and enables your pelvis to soften for vaginal birth. However, the loose ligaments could easily lead to pelvic pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, and hip pain.
A chiropractor can help realign the joints and the spine after being affected by pregnancy. Chiropractic care combines supportive modalities and regular adjustments such as acupuncture, cold and hot therapy, and stretching. All these factors assist in helping to relieve the muscle tension, aches, and pains you may feel. Also, understand that chiropractors are fully trained to handle all these issues. That means you can trust them with your spine and joint realignment.
General benefits of prenatal chiropractic care may include:
- Relieves the pain of muscle strain from weight gain and the stress placed on the body by the baby
- Alleviates lower back pain
- Relieves the symptoms of sciatica, when the baby’s head begins pressing down on a woman’s back, legs and buttocks
- Offers gentle spinal care and soft tissue manipulation to help resolve pain felt by change in a woman’s center of gravity
When to Start Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Chiropractic care does not have a specific time to start. Once you know you are pregnant, you can get started. However, ensure that your obstetrician approves it first. Many regularly visit a chiropractor when they are nearly conceiving, which is still fine.
Any time you feel discomfort or pain, you should check in with the OB-GYN and then schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. Waiting for the pain to go away could only worsen things. Make sure that your chiropractor is well-trained and qualified to handle pregnant women.
How Often to See a Chiropractor During Pregnancy?
The treatment plan from the chiropractor at Chiropractic Health Centre will indicate the amount office visits you should complete. However, the plan may change as the pregnancy progresses. New pains and aches could mean more adjustments to the schedule. Most schedules will be busy as the due date draws near.
Typically, you will not see a chiropractor once a month in the first months of pregnancy and switch to every three weeks until the end of the pregnancy. The schedule will continue to change according to what the chiropractor sees. That is, if they see a problem in your spine based on how you walk or sit, they could advise more regular visits.
Which Week of Pregnancy Should I Stop Chiropractic Care?
There is no reason why you should quit the chiropractic care assessments during pregnancy, even if you feel okay. These adjustments should help you sail through the third trimester easily. Remember that the last months of pregnancy come with weight gain, loose ligaments, and a widening pelvis. All these adjustments in your body could affect your posture and overall body fitness.
The bottom line is that you do not have to wait and tough it out alone during pregnancy. Do not wait until you feel lots of pain and discomfort to visit a chiropractor. Most women feel like they can handle the pregnancy journey alone without external help. That is unnecessary as some issues hide in the body and crop up with symptoms when it is too late. Allow the chiropractor to aid in your pregnancy journey, and they can align your spine and joints accordingly.
10:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 3:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
Every Other Saturday
10:00am - 2:00pm
Chiropractic Health Centre
2713 Centre St NW
Calgary, AB T2E 2V5