It’s your first visit with your chiropractor. What is going to happen?

It’s all about you!

Your first appointment is the start of our relationship with you. We want to know more than just your symptoms. We want to know how these symptoms are impacting your day to day life. What challenges have you faced? Where would you like to be in the future?

Your chiropractor will then work with you to develop a treatment plan that supports your goals and lifestyle. We tailor your treatment plan to reflect your unique needs. Understanding your concerns, values, and helping you achieve your treatment goals is our most important objective. We will discuss your health history and any current injuries. We want to determine what your health goals are, and how you can best achieve them in the most effective and efficient way possible.

You will receive your first treatment during  your appointment. Your visits will always take place in a private room. Your case is kept strictly confidential, unless you decide to share your health information with another health care practitioner. We aim to make every visit comfortable by keeping communication open at all times. Your chiropractor will talk you through what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what you should expect to feel.

How many visits will I need?

There is no “one size fits all” formula for the duration of a chiropractic treatment. Your doctor will assess your needs at the beginning of your treatment plan, and continue to do so throughout its execution, adjusting as required. Your treatment plan is unique to you!

Does it hurt?

Some adjustments can require that quite a bit of pressure be applied to a certain area of your body.  This can produce some discomfort if you’re sensitive from the pain you’ve been experiencing. Your chiropractor can, and will, modify adjustments to your needs and comfort level.

What is a chiropractic maintenance plan?

Your chiropractor will collaborate with you on a maintenance plan: this can include anything from step-by-step stretches, exercises, or  changes to routine that you can follow on your own.  You’ll find that the benefits of the care you’ve received are prolonged and the risks or re-injuring yourself are lower. Recommending that patients return for periodic visits is no different than dentists recommending monthly to yearly visits to help prevent cavities and gum disease. After resolving your pain issues, most chiropractors will give you the option to receive periodic chiropractic care to minimize the likelihood of future recurrences or development of new problems.